Monday, July 11, 2011

Haven: Interview with Emily Rose

Haven is one of my favorite shows, and it comes back for season two this Friday. I interviewed star Emily Rose about the new season. Read about it at TheTelevixen.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

This week's TV news!

There's a lot, actually. Head over to for my Caffeine column.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Inspired by Farhad Manjoo's great article about Ravelry for Slate, I'm going to try to revive my account over there a bit. I just changed my user name there to katelinnea, to match how I'm listed everywhere else. If you're on there but I haven't added you, let me know! I have even recently finished knitting some things and will post pictures (both here and there). I KNOW. Don't die of shock.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Morning Coffee (7/6/11)

Good morning! I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. I'm currently getting ready for a big trip next week, and then of course I'll actually be away, so posting may be sporadic for the next few weeks. Thank you for understanding. I do have a few links for you in the meantime:

20 Quotes About DSK That Reveal How We Think About Rape

State Slogans: Ranked And Saluted

Spoiler Alerts: A Manifesto

Friday Favorites! (7/1/11)

What are you reading/watching/listening to/eating/making/loving this week?

I've been rereading Harry Potter, catching up on Covert Affairs, and eating lots of tofu vegetable stir fry.

A Random List of My 10 Favorite Current TV Shows, In Order

I love lists. I'm always making lists in my head, making myself sort and classify things. And no one's been clamoring for my list of favorite shows, but I've felt like I should have one handy, and it finally coalesced in my head last night. I managed to put them in order, even! (For now. May change with my mood. You know.)

1. The Vampire Diaries
2. Burn Notice
3. Castle
4. In Plain Sight
5. White Collar
6. The Good Wife
7. Justified
8. Haven
9. Doctor Who
10. Community

Interesting note: There are three shows from USA Network (my favorite, I love them, they have my heart), but then not more than one from any other channel: ABC, BBCA, CBS, CW, FX, NBC, SyFy.

Trailer: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

I am beside myself with excitement about this already. My dad and I are in discussions about whether we should go see this and then come home and immediately watch the miniseries, or watch the miniseries and then immediately see the movie. Or both.

Morning Coffee (7/1/11)

Happy July! My birthday month.

Preorder John Green's new book. He'll sign it!

Catch up on The Vampire Diaries this summer. Need some reasons? io9 has them.

Read NPR's Linda Holmes on the Oxford comma.

Consider: Who hates the Internet more, Aaron Sorkin or Prince?