Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Morning Coffee (8/26/15)

Heh: Christie Says "Pushy" Granite Staters Don't Like to Wait for Answers He thinks New Hampshire is pushy? HE'S FROM NEW JERSEY.

Reporter: Do you write all your tweets?
Trump: People are shocked at how smart I am.
Reporter: Do you type your own tweets?
Trump: Thank you.

Eee! My friend Susan Adrian's new book Nutcracked has been officially announced. It's about Christmas AND ballet AND magic, and I read an earlier draft and loved it. Don't worry, I'll remind you when it comes out.

I am so curious to see how Colbert's new show shapes up.

Interesting: Connecticut to Require All 11th Graders to Take the SAT It's not mentioned much in the story, but I'd hope this would make it more likely for some underprivileged students to consider college, since the SAT will now be free and something all students take, rather than a separate thing that must be sought out and purchased.

Hear, hear: Can Walton Goggins Just Be in Everything, Please?

UM: "At one point, the Beatles asked Stanley Kubrick to direct them in “The Lord of the Rings.” John, Paul, George and Ringo would respectively play Gollum, Frodo, Galdalf [sic] and Sam."

Great House Therapy: Marilla and Matthew’s God-Fearing Avonlea Orphan Sanctuary

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Morning Coffee (8/25/15)

Trust me, you want to take three minutes out of your day to watch Hot Historical Maniacs. IT IS WORTH YOUR TIME.

You should also check out new web comic Defunct, about your discarded gadgets.

Taylor brought Alanis on stage to duet on "You Oughta Know" and IT IS EVERYTHING.

The August stock slide, explained.

The Right-Wing Hate Machine

Linda Holmes is writing some great stuff at NPR about the state of television.

Black Arts: The $800 Million Family Selling Art Degrees and False Hopes

And with it: The Best, And Perhaps Only, Response To An Article About One’s Family That Opens With “Black Arts: The $800 Million Family Selling False Hopes”

Friday, August 21, 2015

...Lunchtime Coffee? (8/21/15)

Sorry! Time got away from me this morning, but I didn't want to entirely deprive you of some HAPPY FRIDAY LINKS.

It's Friday. Have 25 Photos of Famous Authors in Uniform. (What is your DAMAGE, Faulkner?)

IT'S FRIDAY. You really, really need to watch Baby Can't Contain Her Excitement When She Sees a Cat.

In other important cat news: School adopts a cat? Fine. But HE HAS AN ID CARD, YOU GUYS.

Hugh Jackman would really be the perfect Odysseus for a Lionsgate movie, huh?

See the Stunning Portraits That Will Mark Queen Elizabeth's Record-Breaking Reign

Whoa: Visit every place on this vintage US map for the most epic road trip ever

If You Had Married King Henry VIII…….What Would Your Fate Have Been?

Paintings Where The Subject Is Clearly Thinking “Oh, Christ, I’ve Left The Iron On”

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

Morning Coffee (8/17/15)

Me elsewhere: TV news summary for the week.

This is a horrifying but very important read: ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape

This Jeff Flake profile is interesting.

‘Sesame Street’ goes to HBO and makes it clear why we should fund the arts

Not that I USUALLY understand the Bush family's choices, but as someone who also calls her grandfather "Poppy," the idea of using it as a child's name just BAFFLES me.

Man Poses as Target on Facebook, Trolls Haters of Its Gender-Neutral Move With Epic Replies

The new War and Peace looks super pretty.

TV critic James Poniewozik is leaving Time for the New York Times, and his retrospective goodbye post is worth a read.

If this happens, DC Comics will have shows on four of the five main broadcast networks.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Morning Coffee (8/12/15)

New Hampshire news: apparently the ballot selfie ban is unconstitutional.

This is perfect: "Hell Is Empty and All the Devils Are Here": A Shakespearean Guide to the 2016 Republican Primary

Confused about the Google/Alphabet thing? Read Timothy Lee here and here.

My friend Chris is in this film currently crowdfunding - take a look!

I am absolutely one of those people who will read anything about Roanoke.

Fascinating and tragic: The children taken from home for a social experiment

Remember I Wanna Marry 'Harry'? This interview with the winner is actually very interesting! (Random factoid: A promotional shirt they sent out for that show is the most comfortable item of clothing I own, but I refuse to wear it out of the house, as it says "Keep Calm & Marry Harry.")

I know I've said it before, but I really mean it this time: This is the greatest thing The Toast has ever done. "SUIT #3: Literally Wishbone is wearing a Romeo costume and standing in front of a grown woman in an Elizabethan gown who’s asking him to deny thy father and refuse thy name, but no mention of the fact he’s a dog?


[Suits shrug, like ‘I guess that checks out’]

SUIT #2: All fours or hind legs?

VISIONARY: That really depends on the themes of the book."