Sunday, April 30, 2017

April Book Review: Trials of the Earth

Trials of the Earth is the memoir of Mary Mann Hamilton, a pioneer in Mississippi (and Missouri and Arkansas) in the late 1800s and early 1900s. She wrote it as an elderly woman in the 1930s and a friend helped edit it and submitted it to a writing contest, but it was only widely published in 2016, and it's a fascinating historical document about a time and place that I didn't know much about. (I feel like, as far as European settlers in North America go, we hear a lot about early colonists and then about the Oregon Trail, but I'd honestly never given a lot of thought to who settled Mississippi or when.) In some ways, the book reads like an adult Little House - Hamilton and her family move around a lot and are often among the first white settlers in an area, and they rarely stay anywhere for long, with the family following the patriarch, though in Hamilton's case the constant moving is more due to economic necessity than wanderlust.

And, as in Little House, there are all sorts of terrible things happening all the time. Hamilton survives constant natural disasters, repeated financial ruin, the deaths of her parents and some of her siblings and four of her children and eventually her husband. Her perseverance in the face of all this is truly astonishing and admirable; there are all these times where she's basically left alone in the wilderness for months with a couple of toddlers, or at best dozens of men relying on her to cook for them all. And she just does it. Every time it seems like her family might be stable for a while, something goes wrong; I spent so much of the book wanting her to just catch a break, and she pretty much never does.

It's frustratingly obvious to the modern reader that Hamilton was the only reason her family made it through, that as much as she deferred to and obeyed her husband he was almost completely ill-equipped for any kind of productive ongoing work situation. (His past is a big mystery, never solved, and that's a little frustrating for the reader but unavoidable given that he never told his wife his real name. [!!!] I'd have assumed his hints at growing up in the British aristocracy were just fake if it weren't for how useless he is; he was obviously not brought up to have to do any hands-on work.) Hamilton married him at 18 when her mother and eldest brother died, because he agreed to provide for her younger siblings as well, and she spent most of her life trying to decide if she actually loved her husband as she bore him nine children and followed him from failure to failure and kept the family afloat through her own constant work and ingenuity.

Hamilton was not a professional writer, and that's clear from the book, but I'm glad they left it in her authentic voice, and the matter-of-fact, unromantic way that she describes what she and her family endured makes the story all the more powerful. On the other hand, I did sometimes wish for more annotations making clear exactly where and when events were taking place, and sometimes the historical context - what else was going on in the region and the country that affected the conditions in which the Hamilton family found themselves.

(This review made possible by my Patreon supporters! Come join!)

Friday, April 21, 2017

Afternoon Tea (4/21/17)

I was already excited about the new Anne show, but this interview with the showrunner makes me even more so.

Robin Wasserman is extremely smart and I love reading her in conversation with other writers. Here she is with Charles Bock.

This is a DELIGHTFUL read about a fancy hotel concierge: The Keeper of the Keys

Facebook and the Murderer

The kingdom of women: the society where a man is never the boss

A Trove on the Women’s Suffrage Struggle, Found in an Old Box

Let's try Adagio fandom tea! (Part I)

Adagio Teas has made a name for themselves in fan-created fandom teas - there are hundreds of fandoms, including TV shows, book series, movies, bands, even politicians. Adagio sent me a voucher so I could pick out some fandom teas and review them for you! I got small sizes of a whole bunch of different things to try, so my reviews will be split between a few posts over the next few weeks. But first, let's talk a little more about the concept, packaging, and other generalities.

Look, here's my box from Adagio!

As you can see, I opted for mostly little tins, so I could try as many teas as possible. (The teas also come in 3oz pouches and 5oz tins.) They came in boxes that hold six tins, with one tin and samples in packets loose. The scent when I opened the box was very strong and I worried a bit about all the teas kinda tasting alike since they'd been packed together that way, but that hasn't been an issue so far. Everything was covered in a fine coating of tea dust, though, so for that as well as the scent reason I wished the tins had been individually shrink-wrapped, though that might have been prohibitively expensive.

The tins and their art are decent quality - the art is provided by the fans who make the blends, and it varies wildly; I was careful to pick only teas with art I liked. (This meant ruling out some fandoms I'd otherwise like, but I figured the art is a big part of the point here, and I didn't want to think "ugh, that's ugly" every time I looked at the tins.) I figure I'll keep my favorites of the tins to use for bobby pins, knitting notions, paper clips, etc. These tins are COMPLETELY packed full of tea, and while I appreciate that they don't want to skimp, it makes them a bit hard to open without spilling. But after the first cup it should be easier.

My big struggle with anything like this is always that I want to pick by character/theme regardless of whether I'd actually like the flavor. And I'm a bit picky about tea - most of the fandom teas were some variety of flavored black tea and that's not my favorite. (I like plain black, or herbal with various flavors, but not... together? I don't know.) So while I was picking out teas I had to keep having very stern discussions with myself regarding ordering things I'd at least have a chance of liking.

One example of this was with the Women of Victorian Literature series. (As an aside: Some of these writers were not in fact Victorian. WORDS HAVE MEANINGS.) I liked the concept and design of the tins, but the flavor that sounded best to me was peach, and that corresponded to Kate Chopin. CONFESSION: I've never read Kate Chopin. (Maybe a story or two in college?) But... no time like the present, right?

This series is a blend of almond and vanilla oolong, with a different fruit flavor for each writer (some corresponding to where the writer lived, like cranberry for Alcott), and as I mentioned, Chopin was peach. This was an enjoyable tea - the peach flavor was present but not overpowering, and it tasted very natural. I didn't really taste the vanilla or almond in a distinct way, but I think they blend decently to make the flavor more complex. This might be good iced for your summer reading/sipping pleasure. And now I have an excuse to finally read The Awakening.

Next time... Game of Thrones tea!

If you'd like to try any of these teas, let me know and I'll send you a $5 voucher! Disclaimer: Adagio gave me free tea with the understanding that I would post about it; all opinions are my own.