Monday, July 31, 2017

Morning Coffee (7/31/17)

Today's my birthday, so after I post this I'm giving myself the rest of the day off. Afternoon links will return tomorrow!

Me elsewhere: Lots of TV news!

'Women will die': Trump leaves Ugandan women in jeopardy

Why Autocrats Fear LGBT Rights

Why Democrats are feeling optimistic about a local win in New Hampshire

Bleh: TSA Rolls Out New Electronics Rules for All U.S. Passengers

Heee: Napoleon’s Extracurricular Activities (A Comprehensive List)

Lovely and important: Magic Can Be Normal

This headline made my day: Robert Pattinson Says He Was Almost Fired From ‘Twilight’ for Not Smiling Enough

I'm excited to read The Force: ‘Information is Always Currency’: An Interview with Don Winslow

Unraveling the Mystery of the “Armenian Stonehenge”


  1. How do they tell what's a tablet versus a very large phone, anymore? (also, since pre-check people don't have to do it, I'm not convinced it's about saftey vs. security theater, so I'm just rolling my eyes anyway. when they're serious, pre-check won't be exempt.)

    1. Yeah, I assume there will be a semi-arbitrary size cutoff, but...

  2. Belated wishes for a happy birthday!
