How I Resist is out today!

Well, today is finally the day! It's been - A WHILE; I just checked my email archives and we've been working on this for almost a year and a half, which isn't actually that long in book terms but STILL - and so it feels surreal that our anthology How I Resist: Activism and Hope for a New Generation is officially out in the world today. We have an amazing list of contributors (Jodi Picoult! Rosie O'Donnell! Jesse Tyler Ferguson! Jason Reynolds! Sabaa Tahir! LOTS MORE) and an awesome mix of content including inspirational personal essays, poetry, practical how-tos, and even cartoons and sheet music.

This book was a great outlet for me personally in the aftermath of the 2016 election - it gave me something concrete to do with all my sadness and rage, and now we have a tangible result, a REAL THING we made that I hope will bring other people comfort and hope and help. I love this book and I hope you do too.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Afternoon Tea (5/8/18)

It's hard to describe but this essay by Alexander Chee was great and worth your time: The Changeling

The Dognapping of Kid Boots Ace

I don't agree with all the specific choices, but this is a fun exercise: 21 Books You Don’t Have to Read

Tchaikovsky’s Cure for All That Ails (the Stomach) Basically: Less vodka. Hee.

Diplomacy Noir

Friday, May 4, 2018

Afternoon Tea (5/4/18)

A great piece about great books: An Extraordinary Romance: Meet The Black Women Upending The Romance Novel Industry

How to Buy Cheese at Whole Foods

My friend Katie posted this and it was extremely interesting and helpful! Especially as I'm currently writing something dance-adjacent. How Writing Dance Changed How I Wrote Relationships

The Hey Ladies book is out and this excerpt about a bridal shower is HILARIOUS, as usual.

As always, the Fug Girls have a great and very long slideshow for Will and Kate's anniversary!

Weekly Rec: Hello, Dolly!

Last weekend, I went to New York with my parents and siblings to celebrate my parents' 40th anniversary. We went to some good museums - I was actually GOING to write this post about a specific exhibition at the Morgan Library but it's ALREADY CLOSED - and had some good food but one of the highlights of the trip was definitely seeing the Broadway revival of Hello, Dolly!

I knew some of the music going in, of course, but I'd never seen the show or even the movie all the way through, so a lot of it was new to me. And it was a DELIGHT. It's classic and corny and smart and just hilarious, a big old-fashioned musical with great dancing, especially. Also: LOOK AT THAT CAST. Bernadette Peters, Victor Garber, and Santino Fontana were all on the night we went - I'd braced myself for at least one understudy - and they were all as good as I'd hoped. I've seen Fontana before, as the Prince in Cinderella, but I'd forgotten just how good he is live, and his voice blew me away.

My whole family enjoyed the show and I think it's a great choice if you have a group of various ages/interests who might not all be into one of the more niche shows. You can get tickets here; it's playing through most of the summer, though Bette Midler is returning and replacing Bernadette Peters in mid-July.