Weekly Rec: Starbucks Peppermint White Hot Chocolate

I am very susceptible to trying new seasonal drinks, but honestly, most Starbucks drinks are way too sweet for me to have more than once. However! I finally tried their Peppermint White Hot Chocolate on a whim and somehow . . . it's SO sweet that it comes back around to being okay? I'm not sure why - science? CHRISTMAS MAGIC? (I also have a higher sweetness tolerance for hot chocolate than for coffee drinks, I guess.) And when I say okay I mean RIDICULOUSLY DELICIOUS. It's not something I'd get often, but if you need to, say, have a big hit of sugar to get through a bunch of holiday shopping and deal with crowds? TRY IT.

The CORRECT List of Best Christmas Movies

As you may have seen, Vulture put out a list of the best Christmas movies of all time and IT IS VERY VERY WRONG. Here is the correct list, using their inclusion criteria. You're welcome.

10. Love Actually
9. Little Women
8. Carol
7. The Holiday
6. Christmas in Connecticut
5. Miracle on 34th Street
4. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
3. White Christmas
2. Goodfellas
1. The Muppet Christmas Carol

I am not taking questions at this time.