Saturday, March 30, 2019

Alert: Billie Eilish's album is out!

I hadn't realized until recently that Billie Eilish had a full album coming out, and IT IS HERE. Go listen to WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? And if you haven't heard 17-year-old singer-songwriter Eilish yet, check out my favorite of her songs, "you should see me in a crown:"

Weekly Rec: Dark Chocolate Oreos

Honestly, I'm writing this because it's Thursday night and this has been yet another week of A LOT OF WEIRD AND TERRIBLE STUFF, globally, and I was eating an Oreo to cope and trying to think of something actually good to recommend to you, and... cookies. Cookies are good.

I'm generally skeptical of new Oreo flavors until I hear good reviews, but I couldn't resist DARK CHOCOLATE Oreos when I saw them in the store, and they're . . . amazing? Very chocolatey, obviously, but not too sweet, and I like that Oreo is just doubling down on the chocolate concept with them instead of adding in more weird flavors. (Some of the weird flavors are good! Most are not.) They won't replace regular Oreos for me, but they're a delicious option for occasional variety. So. If you, too, wait to hear reviews of weird new Oreos before buying: this one gets a thumbs up.

(I tried to take a picture for this post but couldn't get it to come out decently because it just looks like... a regular Oreo top and the creme doesn't even show up.)

Weekly Rec: Nothing Much Happens

I often have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, and dealing with nightmares - I have for a long time. Last week I finally tried something a friend had been recommending and so far it's been helping more than any other individual thing I've tried. And it's a podcast, of all things! It's called Nothing Much Happens and it's bedtime stories for grown-ups, in which "nothing much happens, you feel good and then you fall asleep." I was skeptical but I swear this is some kind of sorcery. The combination of the content of the stories and the soothing delivery has been putting me to sleep IMMEDIATELY and seems to be helping with my nightmares too. Give it a try next time you're having trouble sleeping!