Monday, August 5, 2019

Morning Coffee NOW ON SUBSTACK!

Hello! Happy Monday! We have some changes! For a variety of reasons, my link posts are moving over to Substack, which is a newsletter service that also lets you read online. So DON'T WORRY, the posts are still free, and if you want to read them by just going to a site each day, you can go directly there. (Or just put that URL into your RSS feeder if you'd like to read that way.)

But! You now also have the option to subscribe! Just enter your email address and you'll get me directly in your inbox each morning.

There is a paid tier available as well, replacing my Patreon - it's $5 a month or $50 a year, and it gets you a few extra newsletters/posts each week and helps compensate me for the time it takes to compile all these links. But the link posts themselves will stay free, I promise.

To read today's links, just click here.

Questions? Concerns? Let me know!