Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Running Ranking of New Fall Shows

Since making lists and judging things are practically my two favorite things . . . why not keep a running list of my personal ranking of the new fall shows? I'll add to it as I watch things, and adjust if my feelings changed based on later episodes. (If I watch later episodes.) Note: This is how much I LIKE things, not just an evaluation of quality - there are certainly shows that I think are reasonably effective at doing what they're trying to do, but what they're trying to do is not something I enjoy. And we obviously all have all sorts of conscious and unconscious biases, but I've tried to ignore truly external factors, like "That actor was a jerk to me once" or "They cast my friend."

To the rankings!
  1. Grandfathered
  2. Quantico
  3. The Grinder
  4. Life in Pieces
  5. The Muppets
  6. Minority Report
  7. Rosewood
  8. The Bastard Executioner
  9. Limitless
  10. Blindspot
  11. Code Black
  12. Heroes Reborn
  13. The Player
  14. Blood & Oil
  15. Scream Queens
  16. Dr. Ken

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