Thursday, August 4, 2016

Morning Coffee (8/4/16)

How a Secretive Branch of ISIS Built a Global Network of Killers

This gets at a lot of why I'm so excited about Hillary Clinton's candidacy, specifically, beyond obviously wanting to support the Democrat and stop Trump: Hillary Clinton's Nomination Is a Victory for the Smart Girls

The New York Times relaxed their normal rules about acceptable language to print/portray and put an uncensored video together from Trump rallies. It is disturbing and terrifying and you should watch it.

This is fine: Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Nothing to see here: Donald Trump Is Reportedly Very Interested in Using Nuclear Weapons

I cannot believe this is a real interview with a prominent mainstream party's presidential nominee.

If this kind of thing ends up happening it will be... quite something to observe, from a historical sense: A likely GOP Electoral College member threatens to withhold his vote from Trump

Missouri has cut funding for public defenders severely... and the director of the department had the best reaction ever. (Warning: That's a PDF.)

Ohh, interesting question: Who Should Play Donald Trump During Hillary Clinton’s Mock-Debate Prep Sessions?

Members of Fundamentalist Mormon Sect Re-Arrested While Awaiting Trial for Food Stamp Fraud (Are you watching Escaping Polygamy? It is fascinating and has made this case even more interesting to follow.)

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