ICYMI: I loved Stutterer until I hated it.
Everything's kinda terrible today, guys, sorry . . .
Sad day in the book world yesterday: Umberto Eco and Harper Lee have both died.
How We Failed to Protect Kesha
And... the flip side, sort of: Aroldis Chapman Has Reported for Spring Training. Now What?
Donald Trump Escalates Rhetoric Before South Carolina Primary (which is now today; I kept forgetting to give you this link earlier in the week.)
How badly is Bush getting owned in this primary? JebBush.com goes to DonaldJTrump.com.
Of course: Texas health official out after study on Planned Parenthood
Well: The Official Currency of ISIS’s Caliphate: the U.S. Dollar
This is very interesting and important: America's unlearned lesson: the forgotten truth about why we invaded Iraq
Shocker: Study: men think their male classmates are smarter, even when they're not
...timely, with the Kesha news: Studio Heads of the Classic Era, In Order of Personal Awfulness
Everything IS terrible. We all need tea and cookies.