Friday, May 30, 2014

Morning Coffee (5/30/14)

Happy Friday!

Whoa. They're rebooting Stargate.

The Women of New York's City Hall

Businessweek's Piketty cover is the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

Fascinating, even if you don't really care about Jolie: Angelina Jolie's Perfect Game

My friend Christine is recapping the terrible "history" of Reign this summer and it's going to be amazing.

I will admit I desperately want Taylor Swift Keds.

And now a bunch of royalty-related things:

This profile of a second-generation royal reporter is quite interesting.

I hope this girl dines out on the time she made pizza with Prince Harry for the rest of her life.

Swedish cuteness: Princess Estelle carries out her first official royal engagement and Princess Madeleine shows off baby Princess Leonore, but scroll down on that one and take a look at Chris O'Neill in the Yankee cap, because it's cracking me up. (I know he's a commoner and they live in New York BUT STILL.)

I'm dying to see what Anmer Hall ends up looking like.

Look, a jelly bean portrait of the Cambridges. (Or Strathearns, since they were in Scotland.)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Morning Coffee (5/21/14)

Make sure you check out today's Mary Anning Google doodle.

Ex-Players Sue NFL Over Use of Painkillers

There was another terrible article about romance novels going around yesterday and I'm not going to bother linking to it, but you should read Alyssa Rosenberg's response to men who are upset that women read romance, and also my friend Holly's tweets on the subject.

I Wanna Marry Harry premiered last night and was TERRIBLE, as you'd expect, but the A.V. Club review is worth a read.

Author Jennifer Weiner has some interesting thoughts on book blurbs.

West Wing fans, make sure you check out this site devoted to "Seventeen People."

Susie from Insatiable Booksluts has a nice guide to How to Write a Book Review.

"Have you ever received an email from an important man over the age of forty? They’re tremendous."

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Morning Coffee (5/20/14)

Joe Biden: The best. (But stop inviting celebrities to prom, kids, it's weird.)

Interesting internal perspective: Abramson’s Exit at The Times Puts Tensions on Display

Sorcery at War

Ooh, Alan Sepinwall and Matt Zoller Seitz are writing a book.

Awesome: Rice lands verbal commitment after sending letter to quarterback's cat

The Masterpiece Mystery season starts next month, and here's a preview for The Escape Artist, a new mystery series starring David Tennant. It feels like he's suddenly playing All The Detectives, and . . . that is not an objection.

Need some free audiobooks this summer? Check out SYNC.

Sources Confirm That Thing You Said Really Was That Bad

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Morning Coffee (5/13/14)

Oh no: Casey Kasem is missing.

Has the Santa Maria been found?

Castle fans, if you're reeling after last night's finale, here's a postmortem with Andrew Marlowe.

Broadchurch and/or David Tennant fans, here's the trailer for Gracepoint. Unpopular opinion: I'm fascinated to see how they start from the same place and wind up somewhere different.

Hieroglyph seems like this year's Sleepy Hollow, as in "FOX concept that sounds bizarre and terrible but might end up being awesome."

Why are people freaking out about Satanism at Harvard?

On Grief and Eating

The Onion: Stone-Hearted Ice Witch Forgoes Exclamation Point

Monday, May 12, 2014

Morning Coffee (5/12/14)

Check out the Google Doodle for Dorothy Hodgkin's birthday.

Eee, look, the first two chapters of Stephanie Perkins's forthcoming Isla and the Happily Ever After!

I was wondering when this sort of thing would start happening . . . Japanese man arrested for possessing handguns made by 3D printer.

Ugh. Tastykakes are made by the most Republican company.

Penny Dreadful creator John Logan has some interesting things to say about how his sexuality shaped the show and his writing interests.

New Yorkers Don’t Call Their Babies Brooklyn

Famous Authors’ Most Dramatic Breakups

William Carlos Williams In The Dorm’s Communal Kitchen

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Morning Coffee (5/7/14)

Update: New Kidnapping Reported in Nigeria as U.S. Offers Help

Shocker: It's like universal health care helps people's health.

I have to figure out how to work an evening podcast into my routine, but I'm excited about Mike Pesca's new The Gist at Slate.

Well, this is awesome: The College of Arms has published rules for The Arms of Individuals in Same-Sex Marriages.

Huh: Monica Lewinsky is doing a Vanity Fair exclusive.

John Green in Cosmo: Can You Get Too Old for YA Novels? (No.)

Terrible news: One in five beers sold in America is a Bud Light

If You Knew Anne of the Island IRL