Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Morning Coffee (3/26/13)

Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day will be April 9th!

IRS calls 'Star Trek' parody video a mistake

I'm not even that huge an Iron Man fan, but aww, Pepper stuff gets me every time. (That link goes to a still from the new movie. Just mentioning in case anyone is super conscientious about spoilers.)

Seth Gabel is returning to Arrow, and you can see some episode stills now.

Steph Pearl-McPhee contemplates what knitters can be expected to know.

There is no word for this story but "adorable:" Pope Francis calls Buenos Aires kiosk to cancel newspaper subscription

Presented without comment: Essex school bans triangular flapjacks after injury

Ooh, Grigory Chkhartishvili (a.k.a. Boris Akunin) is writing a history of Russia.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bo Obama Hunts Easter Eggs


Morning Coffee (3/22/13)

Happy/fun/positive links for Friday!

To a very specific demographic, this will be the BEST THING EVER: Anne of Cleves Gables

New dinosaur species named after its five-year-old discoverer

Aww, adorable new baby pictures of the universe!

Castle fans, here are some photos from the milestone 100th episode.

I usually love Texas Monthly for its crime features, but they just hired a BARBECUE EDITOR and I find that delightful.

Nancy Pelosi's granddaughter would like you to know that only leaders of the free world have the authority to send her to bed.

Here's an adorable royal Tube appearance.

And here's a delightful interview with my boss, Maureen Johnson, about her books, Jack the Ripper, why mint chocolate chip is the best, and more.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Morning Coffee (3/15/13)

Happy Friday! Let's try for a Friday of positive/cute/funny links . . .

The Archbishop of Philadelphia has ruled that an 11-year-old girl is indeed allowed to play football even though she's female.

Ooh, here's the Women's Prize for Fiction Longlist. (Formerly known as the Orange Prize.) I have read . . . one of these books. No, wait, two!

Digg may come to our rescue: They're building an RSS reader.

Finally: CBS has a full episode streaming app.

Chris Hayes is moving to 8 p.m. every weekday on MSNBC. Yay Chris!

Ooh: Google brings Bletchley Park to its Cultural Institute

Is there a homicidal maniac in your book club? (No, it's funny, I swear.)

I love this sort of thing: Kids and their toys from around the world

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Morning Coffee (3/14/13)

Google Reader is going away. Yes, now is the time to panic. So far, the best replacement I've found is The Old Reader, but I'll keep you updated. Read about migration and their future plans here.

And we have a new pope! Here's a profile of the man who would become Pope Francis.

Today in shows you should be watching: The Killing season two is now on Netflix, and previous seasons of The Good Wife have made it to Amazon Prime and will be on Hulu Plus in the fall.

Clear your calendars, Comcast customers: TV Catch-Up Week is coming.

Polaroid and Instagram are teaming up.

This piece about Bob Woodward's John Belushi book is fascinating.

A dark, live-action Beauty and the Beast? Yes, please.

Big Breaks for Blowjobs: The Dark Underbelly of the Miss USA Pageant

Monday, March 11, 2013

Morning Coffee (3/11/13)

Happy Monday? Blergh. I hate DST, because yesterday just felt weird and then this morning my alarm clock went off and WHY WAS IT THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?

Not to start the week on a down note, but I'm still so sad that this third season of The Hour isn't happening.

For International Women's Day (belatedly): Women's political rights around the world

And here's the annual look at whether women's books are being reviewed.

Inside Adam Levine's $35 Million-Plus a Year Empire

Fascinating and heartbreaking and hopeful: Nora Ephron's Final Act

Belgium is making their stamps taste like chocolate.

Have you seen Lady Clementina Hawarden's photographs? You should.

Wow: The Professor, the Bikini Model, and the Suitcase Full of Trouble

Friday, March 8, 2013

Morning Coffee (3/8/13)

People seemed to like the all-positive/funny/cute links last Friday, so I'm going to keep that up on a weekly basis for a while. Happy weekend!

Prince Harry in a Paddington Bear apron

Adorable rabbit wears life jacket, receives hydrotherapy.

The funniest thing I've read all week: How to eat: baked potatoes

A food writer discovers her roots in Sicily.

So true: Pretty Cute Watching Boston Residents Play Daily Game Of ‘Big City’

Cutest police witness statement ever: "I chase him. I bite him. Bad man. He tasty. Good boy. Good boy Peach."

Choose your own mitten adventure!

Check out some March royal brides of the last 150 years.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Morning Coffee (3/6/13)

The Duchess of Cambridge may have hinted that she's having a girl. Maybe.

I am so excited about this Agatha Christie movie in the works.

On the other hand, this news has made me much less interested in The American Baking Competition.

Andrew Preston's Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith has won Canada's Charles Taylor Prize. I actually heard a long interview with Preston on the CBC's As It Happens over the weekend, and it was fascinating and I recommend it.

9 Houses Built Just for Spite. Shockingly, a full third of them are in Massachusetts.

English whisky? Sure, I'd try it.

The American Government's Advice for Yeti Hunters, 1959

I'm sure you will be shocked to learn that Coke uses complicated algorithms to make its orange juice.