Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Morning Coffee (9/15/15)

Here's the Man Booker Prize shortlist! Anyone read any? I have . . . not.

Wondering what's going on in Australia? Vox (of course) has a basic summary with some links.

Matt Damon Interrupts Successful Black Woman Filmmaker to Explain Diversity to Her (Are you watching Project Greenlight? They CLEARLY picked the person who would give them a dramatic show. Not that that surprises me or anything, just . . . a note, amidst this "pure meritocracy!" nonsense.)

"For writers, wading into comments doesn’t make a lot of sense – it’s like working a second shift where you willingly subject yourself to attacks from people you have never met and hopefully never will."

Fascinating: Argentinian Grandmothers Are Using DNA to Track Down Stolen Children

Ooh: Stonehenge researchers 'may have found largest Neolithic site'

Oh my gosh, creepy rocking horses.

"2. There’s A Sense Of Malaise And Decay Hovering Over This Old Plantation; I Can’t Imagine What Lies In The Not-So-Distant Past That Caused It

3. The Waitress Served Biscuits In A Manner Both Polite Yet Somehow Unwelcoming

4. We Don’t Speak Of What Happened To The Girl"

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